XenForo Italia Community Rules | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world

XenForo Italia Community Rules

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wizardVerified member


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Vip Member
Reputation: 61%
Hello everyone and welcome to XenForo Italia, before starting or continuing your adventure please read carefully the following forum rules.

XenForo Italia Community Rules:

- Before registering accept cookies
- You can download only 5 daily resources in the entire forum every 24/h
- If you offer gratitude so... if you donate something, you can download 10 daily resources every 24/h, minimum donation $5
- No racism
- No homophobic behavior
- No differences of religion
- No foul language towards all members
- Share posts in the right section, if you have problems with some add-ons or some plug-ins have the patience to consider the categories

Enjoy your stay.

Rules are Subject to change without notice.
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