[TaylorJ] Blogs - 1.0.0 Beta 5 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
[TaylorJ] Blogs

[TaylorJ] Blogs 1.0.0 Beta 5

Integrate a user blogging system into your forum!

Compatible XF Versions: 2.2, 2.3
Visible Branding: No

Give your users a way to further express themselves in their own personal area!

This is a beta! Please report all bugs / issues / suggestions!
I may have missed something permission wise / option wise / logic wise so please point these out!
Please do not use on a live environment for now!
Unless you're brave for beta testing purposes.

Features (as of 1.0.0 Beta 1):
  • Allow users to create blog(s)
  • Users can create blog posts which utilizes the XenForo attachment system
  • Blog posts will appear in search results
  • Scheduled Posts
  • Watch blogs and receive alerts on new blog posts
Planned Features:
  • Blog post drafts
  • A better blog post handling page for blog owners
  • Comments
  • Multiple blog owners
  • Admin panel for handling blogs and blog posts
  • Tags
Index Page

TaylorJ Blogs-1.png

Blog Creation

TaylorJ Blogs-2.png

Blog View

TaylorJ Blogs-3.png

Blog Post View

TaylorJ Blogs-4.png

Blog Editor

TaylorJ Blogs-5.png

