sonnb - Stop Spam Here 1.3.0 fix A | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
sonnb - Stop Spam Here 1.3.0 fix A

sonnb - Stop Spam Here 1.3.0 fix A

A total spam protection tool for your forum

Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.2
  3. 1.3
  4. 1.4
  5. 1.5
Tired with Spammers in the world? You have to delete Threads, Posts and Users that spamming your forum all the day? This addon must be your close friend.

- Spammer Checking during Registration process
- Spammer Checking during Posting process

- Registration Process (Based on Stop Forum Spam, SpamBusted, Botscout and FSpamlist API):
  • Able to check Spammer's username
  • Able to check Spammer's email
  • Able to check Spammer's IP
  • Able to choose default action once Spammer was detected
    • Do not allow to Register
    • Allow to Register but put into User Moderation Queue
    • Allow to Register but mark user as Discouraged.
    • Allow to Register without actions.
  • Able to check for Spam-bot by adding a hidden input to registration page.
  • Registering times limit based on IP per hour/day/week/month.
  • Risk Indicator feature: Added Risk Indicator feature by using "Point Checking System". By using this feature, you could filter out users who have chances to be spammers by checking:
    • Username include specified words
    • Email from specified email domain
    • IP Address from specified network.
- Posting Process (Based on Akismet API):
  • Akismet API checking:
    • Check for content on Akismet database for spam message. Available target for checking:
      • New Thread creating
      • New Reply creating
      • New Conversation
      • New Reply to Conversation
      • New Profile Post
      • New Comment to Profile Post
      • User Signature
      • About Me
    • Able to choose default action once Spammer was detected
      • Do not allow to post
      • Allow to post but put into Message Moderation Queue (Does not effect on Conversations, Conversation's replies and Profile Post's Comment since they do not have Moderation Queue).
      • Allow to post and send PC to specified Moderators (Does not effect on Conversation, Conversation's replies and Profile Post's Comment since they do not have Permanent link).
      • Allow to post and make a report for detected content.
      • Allow to post
  • Keyword checking: Allow to check for predefined keyword inside message and apply an specified action.
    • Available target for checking:
      • New Thread creating
      • New Reply creating
      • New Conversation
      • New Reply to Conversation
      • New Profile Post
      • New Comment to Profile Post
      • User Signature
      • About Me
  • Link checking: Check for links inside messages and apply specified action
    • Available target for checking:
      • New Thread creating
      • New Reply creating
      • New Conversation
      • New Reply to Conversation
      • New Profile Post
      • New Comment to Profile Post
      • User Signature
      • About Me
- Profile check
  • Check condition for updating Location and Homepage.
What more?
- You could download and install Bot Checking services that were made to be integrated with Stop Spam Here from here: (Since 1.2.0, these API was packed inside SSH packages, you just need to follow installation instruction to install them).
- Located in addon zip package for detail information
Tab [Extra] Advanced Options.jpg
Tab [Posting] Akismet Options.jpg
Tab [Posting] Keyword Options.jpg
Tab [Posting] Link Options.jpg
Tab [Registration] Bot Options.jpg
Tab [Registration] Point Options.jpg
Tab [Report] Sender-Receiver Options.jpg
User Group Permission.jpg

