RSS Video Embed Feeder Importer to the Media Gallery 1.0 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
RSS Video Embed Feeder Importer to the Media Gallery 1.0

RSS Video Embed Feeder Importer to the Media Gallery 1.0

RSS Video Embed Feeder Importer to the Media Gallery

Compatible XF Versions: 1.5


i paid a developer 50$ to make me this add-on a long time ago, it gives you the ability to automatically import videos into the media gallery using a websites rss

I used it to import videos daily.

i dont use this add-on anymore, i ended up putting it in my trash can, as i hired ******* make me a better one with a lot more features.

but this one still works good,

if any developer wants to add new features to it , you can go ahead and add them and send it back to me, so i can update it,

you can see the photo below if you don't understand what it does
