Profile Fields Popup 2.2.0 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
Profile Fields Popup 2.2.0

Profile Fields Popup 2.2.0

Add a popup which will show all the user's custom profile fields within the message user info block

Compatible XF versions: 2.1, 2.2
Additional requirements: PHP 7 and PHP 8 supported
Visible branding: No

This add-on is shared with the Xenforo community for free without branding.
Donations are welcome by just liking this add-on or leaving a nice review, that's all! :love:

Do you make use of custom profile fields? This addon will make those custom fields easily visible by adding a popup window in the message view. Other users can now see all the profile fields without extra clicking and without eating up extra space.

It's an add-on I made for my own site. I make heavy use of the custom profiles to know more about the situation of the customer. This helps others when answering questions.

  • You can change the settings of this add-on by going to Options > [Mr. Jinx] Profile Fields Popup
  • You can modify the style settings by going to Appearance > Style properties > Messages
  • Everything is 'phrased', so it should be easy to translate
  • English (default)
  • Dutch

Profile Fields Popup in action:
Profile Fields Popup 220-1.gif

Profile Fields Popup 220-2.webp

Style properties:
Profile Fields Popup 220-3.webp

