How to add a Custom Group Badge / Banner to User Info | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
How to add a Custom Group Badge / Banner to User Info

How to add a Custom Group Badge / Banner to User Info

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Add a personalized group medal / banner to the user info

Compatibility with XenForo: 2.0


Go to: Admin Control Panel - > Aspect -> Templates -> and look for the " extra.less " template .
Add this code (name it what you want. In the example here I have called it " .miMedalla" ):

You must log in to view
(7 lines)

Then go to " Groups and permissions -> Groups " and select the group to which you want to add the medal.
In the section " Styling of the user sign ," check " Other, using CSS personal class name " and enter the name with which you have named the class in the extra.less template

IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove the " . " (Period) from the beginning of the class name, as shown below: