Gift Upgrades 1.3.0 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
Gift Upgrades 1.3.0

Gift Upgrades 1.3.0

Allow users to gift user upgrades to each other

Gift Upgrades allows your members to easily and quickly purchase upgrades for other members.

  • Integrates in to the default XenForo User Upgrade system allowing upgrades and downgrades to be handled by XF itself.
  • Integrates with XenForo's statistics system giving you a daily, weekly and monthly breakdown of gifts purchased.
  • Integrates with XenForo's criteria system allowing you to award trophies to users based on the amount of gifts they have given or received.
  • Administrators can track upgrades that were gifted through the Active / Expired User Upgrades area.
  • Alert users when they receive a gift.
  • These alerts can indicate who sent the gift or optionally, the gifter can choose to remain anonymous.
  • Support for [bd] Paygates. Accept payments from processors other than PayPal, such as Stripe. Paygates is an optional extra and if it isn't installed, Gift Upgrades will fall back gracefully on stock PayPal. The attached screenshots show what the user will see with and without the Paygates add-on.
  1. Extract the contents of the .zip file provided upon successful purchase.
  2. Upload the contents of the 'UPLOAD' folder to your root XenForo directory.
  3. Install the provided .xml file through the XenForo Admin Control Panel.
  4. By default, all current user upgrades will be marked as giftable. This can be edited through the User Upgrades area.
This add-on has been in use at since the beginning of the year and replaced a previous iteration. Since this was installed, upgrade purchases have increased by three folds. If you would like to demo this add-on, you may do so there.


