[EAE Add-ons] Roles 1.0.2 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
[EAE Add-ons] Roles 1.0.2

[EAE Add-ons] Roles 1.0.2

Displays what roles members perform on your site

Compatible XF Versions: 2.1, 2.2
Visible Branding: No

EAE Addons Roles 102-1.webp

This add-on will allow you to display roles members have been assigned to your forum. The roles selected to be displayed are set in options.

  • displays members with roles on it's own page.
  • can display roles on user profiles and tooltip (see screen shots)
  • can display roles in posts (above the message)
  • can display who the thread starter is when viewing a thread
  • supports custom user titles (displayed first) for members belonging to a usergroup that is selected as a role. It does not support HTML that is added to a custom user title as this permission based
  • adds a legend widget to forum home listing roles which are displayed in the user name css
  • you may select if the roles page displays users by user id, or by user group id (see screen shot)
  • there is a filter on the roles page that allows viewing members to filter by role and by staff or not staff
  • adds style properties for the roles page and the widget
Note that this add-on requires that the 'Use the following user title:' is selected and a title typed in to the field.

This add-on does not use pagination. If you have a hundred moderators on your site it is best not to set the moderating group as a role. If enough people request pagination, or a more link to be added, then I will add it for the next release.

Queries: the roles page uses the standard XF queries plus one additional query. All other areas do not generate any additional queries.

