[CZ] Title Length Modifier 1.0.1 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
[CZ] Title Length Modifier 1.0.1

[CZ] Title Length Modifier 1.0.1

Option to change thread, conversation and notice maximum title length

Compatible XF Versions: 2.1
Visible Branding: No

CZ Title Length Modifier 101-1.webp

Allows to modify the title of specific values.

the following following properties can be modified:
  • Thread Title
  • Conversation Title
  • Notice Title
It's also possible to set a maximum value that is smaller than the default of XenForo (150 Characters)

Installation, Upgrade and Uninstall:

  1. Use the " Install/upgrade from archive" option or
  2. Upload the content of the upload-folder to your root-partition
  3. Go to ACP -> Add-Ons and install the Add-On
  4. Configure the Add-On under ACP -> Setup -> Options -> [CZ] Title Length Modifier
This will affect your Database directly. It will increase the database-columns from 150 to 255 characters.

  1. Read the patch notes for potential additional necessary steps!
  2. Upload the content if the upload-folder to your XenForo root directory. Overwrite files when asked.
  3. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and upgrade the Add-On
Beware of the following:
If you remove this add-on it will reset the length of all affected database-Tables back to 150 characters.

If you have longer names they will be truncated at 150 characters.
This is irreversible
  1. Head to ACP -> Add-Ons and uninstall the Editor Manager
  2. Delete the following folder inside your XenForo root directory:
    • src/addons/CZ/TitleLength/
I have NOT tested this add-on on a 2.0 Installation.

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