Custom Statistics 1.0.0 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world

Custom Statistics 1.0.0

This add-on allows you to create custom statistics fields on your forums

Compatible XF Versions: 2.1

This add-on allows you to create custom statistics fields on your forums. You can revise the phrases as you wish through your language file.

I want to make an important reminder.
Yes you can show the areas you want as a widget but I recommend not to use it in the sidebar.

You can simply add a widget if you want to show it in any template

<xf: widget key = "widget_key" />3.

Add a Widget

Enter ACP and add a new widget from admin.php?widgets/add

  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Copy the src/addons/XENTR/CustomStatistics directory to your serv
  3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
All phrases start as xtr_custom_statistics for convenience

