Brivium - Limit Attachment Download 1.1.1 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
Brivium - Limit Attachment Download 1.1.1

Brivium - Limit Attachment Download 1.1.1

Limit the number of attachment downloads and peak your site's member quantity!

Do you want to limit the number of attachment downloads of any members? It is our solution to do that.

This application could help to keep your users coming back again when you limit the number of attached files each day. The system allows you to delay the download progress, avoid downloading consecutively led your forum/site to be crushed and giving administrator time to censor the files. Users could have permissions to limit attachment downloading bandwidth and to choose which categories will be ignored to limit download.

- Permission for limit the number of attachment user can download per period.
- Permission for delay between download.
- Permission for limit attachments download bandwidth.
- Ability to choose forums will be ignored to limit download.
- Ability to choose file extensions will be ignored to limit download.

Please follow the installation instructions as noted in README.txt


