Brivium - Bulk Alert and Conversation 1.5.2 | XenForo Italia | Your guide to the xenForo world
Brivium - Bulk Alert and Conversation 1.5.2

Brivium - Bulk Alert and Conversation 1.5.2

It's a smartest way to socialize your forum with strong connections of the whole union

This add-on allows you to send mass/bulk alerts & messages to users based on a lot of criteria. It is a great way to keep in touch with your users and updating what is going on through your forum & keep them coming back again.

Bulk Alert and Conversation has the main function to send alerts or message through the forum system built by XenForo. Instead of sending email like before, users could receive messages and making conversations by this application. The system will be allowed to filter users based on many criterions and standards, such as gender, registered time of user, last time the user logged in… This standard displays on the admin-screen. Besides, the administrator could combine a number of criteria to limit the number of receivers. By this, you have not to send a lot of email to the users and avoid stigmas of users caused by spam or junk mails.


